c Install colony when ready or Do not install colony.Which options have been set for that hive:.Hovering the cursor near a hive in the building settings menu ( q) will display: Collect Hive Products – when a beekeeper gathers the products from a hive.Install Colony In Hive – when a beekeeper installs a colony to a new hive.In the job list, two notable beekeeping jobs are: Hives are set by default to allow colony installation and product gathering. There are two options in the building settings that can be toggled to control beekeepers from installing colonies or from gathering products in a hive. Managing hives is fairly automated–beekeepers will perform most of the necessary jobs on their own when available. So long as hives are placed above ground, they can be completely enclosed with constructions from outside while still creating products, allowing beekeepers to work safely at all times. Hives can produce normally in both outside and inside tiles. Hives are marked as having either Outdoor or No outdoor access this is referring to the above ground and subterranean attributes, not the outside and inside attributes. Subterranean hives can still store colonies that can be used later for splitting, but they cannot produce anything.

In order for hives to produce, they must be built adjacent to (or on) an above ground tile. They can be built on any hard surface, both indoors and outdoors. They can be built by opening the building menu and either selecting Hive or pressing Alt + h. Hives are stored in finished goods stockpiles. They can be made in a variety of hard materials from their respective workshops and labors. Main article: Hive Workshop and labor requirements Occasionally check the hive for live bees by viewing the building with t from the menu. Beekeepers will immediately be able to find an accessible honey bee colony that may have gone unnoticed or spawned inconspicuously. If a colony cannot be found after searching, set up a single hive and leave it for about a year as a last-ditch effort. Building dirt roads over existing colonies frees up space for new ones to generate. Therefore, honey bee colonies might be unable to spawn because the "space" is occupied by other vermin colonies. If new colonies stop appearing, it means this limit has been reached. Maps have a hard limit to how many wild colonies can appear simultaneously. Colonies of honey bees appear randomly on the surface ground as a circle ○ (the color is determined by the floor tile). Honey bees are one of the creatures, which includes bumblebees, ants, and termites. They do possess their own version of honey, royal jelly, wax, and even mead, all of which are unobtainable in normal gameplay. While they are common in places they appear ( ), bees are not, thus are not guaranteed to appear in every region.īumblebees cannot be used in beekeeping. Colonies of honey bees can appear in any non-freezing land biome, which excludes mountains, glaciers, and tundras. Since live vermin cannot be bought during embark, wild bees are necessary to start beekeeping.